Friday, February 20, 2015

Popular Cyber Attacks: DDOS

DDOS stands for a direct denial of service, this is a cyber attack that lets the attacker take control of ghost computers that send information over the internet to a specific website/network.The network becomes overwhelmed with packets and becomes unable to transmit informations, so a arequest cannot be sent, but the network can still receive information. This is the most common type of cyber attack because it stops all services from being used on that network. Companies like sony and paypal have been the recipients of these attacks due to there involvement in politics or technological limitations. Groups such as anonymous have been the perpetrators of these attacks because they feel that corporate greed has gone too far, and they are too "cozy" with the government and the amount of data collection. Many people agree with anonymous's stance, but it stops many people from accessing a service that they require in their daily life. Some people may say that the government does not partake in cyber attacks, but the government has been accused recently for bringing the north korean internet down. Unlike other cyber attacks, a DDOS attack is unable to be stopped because the amount of information sent over the network is traceable but it is not legally able to be used since many people do not know if there computers are ghost computers. A group of ghost computers are called a collective bot net that id good for only sending information across the internet.

Picture of attacks currently happening!
To see real time DDOS Attacks, Goto

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