Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Who I am & the purpose of the blog!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Shahzeb Ishfaq I am currently a student at the University of Windsor. I am currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration  program, I am planning to major in Accounting while minoring in Finance. I chose to come to the university of Windsor because I was given an option to go into the co op option with my program, without second guessing myself I took the option and enrolled in uWindsor!

Image from: http://www.nationalcybersecurityinstitute.org/
You guys might be asking "what is your blog topic?" if you haven't noticed by now, my topic for this whole web-blog will be Cyber Security. The purpose of this blog is too educate and inform the common household person about what the term cyber security means, and how it helps us on the internet stay safe. Cyber Security is afield in itself in the information technology industries. The topic of cyber security is very broad in the sense that any company that has any kind of online presence will be in need of it. As technological innovations increase the need to keep that information safe will be one of the biggest problems for any company, organization or government. Cyber Security is the protection of networks, data,  and computers from cyber attacks, unauthorized access. 

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